Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Love birds...The animal I am petsitting with my sisters

Ok...so today after guitar my mom got a call from Mrs. Owens to take care of their "love birds" (what a coincidence). One is a boy and one is a girl... and yes they are in fact in love. Its like Romeo and Juliet... they chirp when they cant find each other and they are always put into life or death situations. My dogs want to eat them... they fall behind desks and dressers... hopefully they wont land in the garbage disposal.


¿?¿?¿ said...

hahaha nice

Cristina said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...


aww that made my day better.

ian.matthew said...

that totally suxz dude

sry 4 u

Cristina said...

i hate birds. i thought i would tell u that. =]

Blakeyboy said...

lol...they do bite

M@tt said...

that sux

Anonymous said...


B!lly said...

sux for u

tay-tay 101 said...

that sucks!!!! wat/ev...
