Sunday, November 11, 2007

"The Party"

Well "The Party" was really fun... i enjoyed it. It was halarious to see Andrew dress that way...he would fit in the 70's

The dancing: Everyone did their own thing so it was fun to see what people thought was 70's dancing...

Some people had more fun than others and I am the one who had more fun than some of the others


B!lly said...

oooo blake freakin with taylor ooooo... how was the slow dancing? jk... was faith a whore i heard that she was

Cristina said...

yes. billy she was. other people were to i heard.

glad u had fun blake! :)

Blakeyboy said...

billy u didnt go Y not?

Blakeyboy said...

thank u christina

B!lly said...

cuz faith was gonna be a whore and i had other plans anyway

Cristina said...

hahaha billy...... dinner with ur family.

Anonymous said...

faith was disgustign!!

B!lly said...

when is she not she makes friken paris hilton seem like a good girl

Blakeyboy said...

pretty much... sux for ian with that bet christine and christina made

B!lly said...

lol ino cristina won the first time and they made a rematch

tay-tay 101 said...

you and tay were soo.. cute.. way to dance wit her that part was funny cause neighther of you can really dance.. jk lol xoxo

Cristina said...

i just laughed really hard at ur comment taylor. i dont even know why. it wasnt even that funny. no offense.

Anonymous said...

i know it was mean!!