Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Like the best song EVER!!!

Well I know there are alot of number 1 songs that we all like but my favorite at the moment is paralyzer by finger eleven

Lots of other great artists are: Linkin Park, Muse, The Killers, Avenged Sevenfold, Halifax, and System of a Down

Monday, December 10, 2007

What I did

I had a fun weekend...I didnt go to any of those movies or anything though

I went over to Andrews house and played him on Guitar Hero 3 and beat him on Through the fire and flames on expert YEA!!!!!!!!!!! IM STUCK ON THE 8TH SETLIST ON EXPERT ITS SO HARD...but i beat one by mettalica :)

Saturday: nothing...seriously nothing

Sunday: Church then nothing

Thursday, December 6, 2007


Ok...make up ur minds ppl... if u wanna do something then lets do somthing...but if we do something it has to be on saturday because I cant do anything on friday...so if any can make up their minds and actually plan something then tell me

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Dane Cook...and Cris Angel

Well these two outstanding individuals proved of being the best in what they do best...

Dane Cook: really really really funny...but kinda bad...but funny anyway

Cris Angel: Hello people its Cris Angel MINDFREAK... he FREAKS people out...its in the title

o yea and Santa is the most perverted I have ever seen him so far

Thursday, November 29, 2007

After more than enough tries

FINALLY!!!!! YES!!!!!!! I finally got a A on a Spanish Quiz. I AM SO HAPPY. This is a moment for me to congraulate myself on getting an A in a foreign language which I will forget and already forgetting.

My ipod is broken...and my phone is broken... and when I saw taylor with that juke...yea thats pretty much it...I saw taylor with the juke and I was speechless... I had nothing to say

Monday, November 26, 2007

First day back...it was good

Ok...First day back after Thanksgiving break and Im very tired. I would like to have school maybe start at a decent hour... 10:00 IS FINE WITH ME SCHOOL DISTRICT!!!! So anyways... it was any normal day with all the inside jokes that last for a day. Here are some I guess...

Guerllimo- Science today... HAHA
Kassandra-My computer doesnt have a dog(Best of the day)
Ian(While doing sit-ups)- Ugh...I feel like a fat lard...he said something else after I cant remember though

And Tuesday is tomorrow thats another day of more "Inside Jokes of the day"

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Love birds...The animal I am petsitting with my sisters

Ok...so today after guitar my mom got a call from Mrs. Owens to take care of their "love birds" (what a coincidence). One is a boy and one is a girl... and yes they are in fact in love. Its like Romeo and Juliet... they chirp when they cant find each other and they are always put into life or death situations. My dogs want to eat them... they fall behind desks and dressers... hopefully they wont land in the garbage disposal.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

All day surf sesh.

Ok... so today me, ryley, my dad, ryleys dad, miles, and two other surfers trent and weston, all went to Oceanside. We had what you would call an "All day surf sesh" (sesh means session). We got there at like 10 am and stayed there till 5. We were in the water for about 5 hours. Now my legs are really sore because I cut my leg on my fin which hurts...:(

It was very fun and I want to do it again

Sunday, November 11, 2007

"The Party"

Well "The Party" was really fun... i enjoyed it. It was halarious to see Andrew dress that way...he would fit in the 70's

The dancing: Everyone did their own thing so it was fun to see what people thought was 70's dancing...

Some people had more fun than others and I am the one who had more fun than some of the others

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Long weekend!!!!!

there is a long weekend and this is what i am doing so far

friday:ice skating at 2:15
Saturday:Hannahs party

we need do something on monday or sunday...because i cant live without being with my friends and my girlfriend

Saturday, November 3, 2007


Ok I saw Dan and real life with Taylor O, Christina, Ryley, and Jake...it was funny but it had things in it which were very helpful and that I might use later in life.

1. Never fall in love with your brothers girlfriend or you will not be a happy camper
2. Let your daughter date who she wants to or else you (either mom or dad) will still not be a happy camper.
3. Solve family problems with your family.

Those morals taught me things!!!!

Friday, November 2, 2007

Fun Night

Well I had fun at fun night and I wasnt supposed to go but I am so happy I did. It was a wrigged raffle and I have evidence to support my idea that it was wrigged. Besides that... it was fun with all my friends and so on and o forth. I also sucked helium out of a balloon

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Sorry I havent posted

Sorry I havent posted...But I have something to say...Taylor D(<3) made a blog and im so happy about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

NO SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YAY we dont have school today and probably dont have it tomorrow. Even though we are all happy about this we have to pray for the firefighters who are doing there best to put them all out. Fires have destroyed lots of houses and they need to be helped out.

Monday, October 22, 2007


My weekday basis concludes of

eating sleeping studying school and sports...but not in that order sometimes it will be sleeping eating school studying then sports or school sleeping studying sports eating... doesnt that sound like fun?

because it does have its ups and downs...mostly downs and downs

Saturday, October 20, 2007



What will happen?
Answer: A musical track of the 21st century of great likeness will ring through your ears like a pleasant melody that you always hum

What song is it?
Answer: If you would not be so lazy... go to the bottom of my blog and pick one of the many soundtracks I have provided for you to enjoy while reading my blog.

And so, turn up the volume to hear some good music

Friday, October 19, 2007

Ryleys party

Ryleys party is tomorrow and I cant wait. Im going 2 be an emo wearing almost everything an emo wears. My mom is going to the party also...no further comments about this, WHOEVER IS READING THIS are you going to his party???

If you would like to POST A COMMENT click the POST A COMMENT BUTTON to POST A COMMENT. Thank and have a nice day. I will put a new post up when I want to.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

livin it!!!

ok i went 2 the livin it festival and had bunches of fun. We played football and I had 2 monsters and I was shaking while typing this. The Walking on Water movie was cool and i got some autographs.

And so yea thats what happened...

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Me and my cheer squad

Well me and me cheer squad did good our team and they killed the seventh graders (taylor d did awesome along with every1 else but taylor did awesome) I went through the day getting my skirt pulled down :O and my jacket unbuttoned. I feel bad for all of you girls that this might happen to because i expierianced it in 1 day and it was pretty...


Saturday, October 6, 2007

My Email

my email is waveriderbt33@aol.com for all of u that have private blogs NOW...IF U DONT ADD ME IMA BITE UR HEAD OFF just kidding...not really :(:):(:):(:):(:) :P :D

Soulja Boy

ok...if we wanna do the dance we hav 2 learn it... learn it there ^


YAY I GET 2 BE A CHEERLEADER 4 THE FOOTBALL THING!!!!! But the thing is that the splits isnt my thing or backflips or multiple ackflips. I was thinking we could 2 the soldier boy dance if mr. grim would let us. I doubt it though. IF UR ON THE FOOTBALL TEAM TELL ME WHAT U WANT US 2 CHEER.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

1st post

i guess this is my new daily routine...come home...write wat i did 4 every1 to see...then talk 2 people on AIM while doing homework while looking at new stuff 2 put on my blog...then wake up the next morning...go to school...and ill put wat happened tomorrow...tomorrow

i started again

hey...its blake t and i started this thing again...I AM POSTING NOW!!!

most of the time at least